The degree to which the critical thinking approach contributes to improving the critical taste among third intermediate and first secondary students Through the literary texts of my language book in Al-Qura Governorate from the point of view of Arabic lan

  • Musfir Mujab Al-Adwani
Keywords: Critical thinking approach, Critical taste, Arabic language teaching


The current study aimed to reveal the degree to which the critical thinking approach contributes to improving the critical taste among third intermediate and first secondary students through the literary texts of my language book in Al-Qura Governorate from the point of view of Arabic language teachers and students in light of some demographic variables of the subjects in Al-Qura Governorate. The researcher used the descriptive analytical method as it suits the nature of the study. A stratified random sample of (100) students was taken from the study population, taking into account the inclusion of two classes, which are the third intermediate level and the first secondary stage. A stratified random sample of (40) students was taken from the study population, taking into account the inclusion of two classes, which are the middle school and the secondary stage. In Al-Qura Governorate, Al-Baha.

The study reached several results, the most important of which are: The degree to which the critical thinking approach contributed to improving the critical taste of third-year intermediate and first-year secondary students in Al-Qura Governorate from the point of view of Arabic language teachers was high. While the score was average from the students’ point of view, and there were no statistically significant differences between the averages of the responses of the sample of Arabic language teachers according to the variable (academic qualification), and the presence of statistically significant differences between the averages of the responses of the sample of Arabic language teachers according to the variable (stage of study), except for the activities dimension. The curriculum, and the presence of statistically significant differences between the averages of the study sample’s responses depending on the variable (school stage), and the differences were in favor of the secondary stage in all dimensions.



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How to Cite
Musfir Mujab Al-Adwani. (2023). The degree to which the critical thinking approach contributes to improving the critical taste among third intermediate and first secondary students Through the literary texts of my language book in Al-Qura Governorate from the point of view of Arabic lan. Journal of Arts, Literature, Humanities and Social Sciences, (98), 259-273.