Experimentation with New Adhesives from Biological and Industrial Sources in Mosaic Arts

  • Dr. Fatten Mahmud. Suliman Helal Specialization in Art Works, Associate Professor, Department of Painting and Arts, College of Designs and Arts, University of Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Keywords: Experiment, adhesive materials, vital sources, industrial sources, mosaic arts


The study aims to get rid of the disadvantages of the prior approved adhesive materials in technology of Mosaic and to replace them with latest vital materials such as beeswax with Arabic gum and synthetic materials such as Ultrafluor which have standards suit in teaching in field of technical works techniques without having a health effect upon the students, which is considered a barrier in the educational process during teaching, as well as the problem is related in the inquiry regarding the extent of updating adhesive materials issued from vital sources, as well as industrial sources to get rid of obstacles and disadvantages of the approved adhesive materials in the educational process for the mosaic technology, as well as the research applied the descriptive approach in the theoretical aspect, as well as the semi-experimental approach in the applications. The research concluded to the availability of a big option for researchers to take benefits from the issued adhesive materials from the vital sources such as the Arabic wax, natural beeswax, and industrial sources of material of Ultrafluor in order to improve the performance of the traditional adhesive materials. The research concluded many recommendations the importance of entry vital materials and updated industrial materials in improvement the educational process and to open the field in front of the students for selection and experiment.


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How to Cite
Dr. Fatten Mahmud. Suliman Helal. (2024). Experimentation with New Adhesives from Biological and Industrial Sources in Mosaic Arts. Journal of Arts, Literature, Humanities and Social Sciences, (99), 432-455. https://doi.org/10.33193/JALHSS.99.2024.986