The Saudi Art of Sadu as an Input for Producing Digital Works using the Procreate Program
The study aimed to clarify the concept of Saudi art of Sadu, and learn about digital art, in addition to employing Saudi art of Sadu as an input for producing digital works using the Procreate program. To achieve this, the descriptive and analytical approach was used, by examining Saudi art of Sadu and digital art, and also shedding light on the Procreate program, in addition to using the experimental method through production digital works containing the motifs of Saudi art of Sadu using the Procreate program. The study showed several results such as identifying the aesthetic of the decorative units of the Saudi art of Sadu, and the possibility of benefiting from the high potential of the Procreate program to design contemporary digital works inspired by the Saudi art of Sadu. The decorative units of Saudi art of Sadu are also distinguished by their diversity and ease of formation to produce digital works that emphasize Saudi national identity. Digital works are also a rich source through which the heritage of Saudi art of Sadu can be demonstrated in a contemporary manner. The study reached several recommendations, including conducting more studies and research on the Saudi art of Sadu; to show the aesthetics of its decorative units with a contemporary vision, and to preserve them from extinction. In addition to interest in employing modern digital technologies and programs in the field of heritage art; In order to connect the past and the present, and depart from traditional plastic methods. And also conduct further studies of the works of digital artists; to obtain new and diverse approaches to how to employ digital technologies in artistic works.
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