Islamic rooting of knowledge management processes under the Prophet Muhammad

  • Maha bint Fahd Al Dosari King Saud University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
  • Afaf bint Hashim Al-Shammari King Saud University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
  • Dr. Haifa bint Abdullah Al-Suhaim King Saud University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Keywords: Rooting, Islamic, operations, management-, knowledge


 The study aimed at the Islamic rooting of knowledge management processes under the Prophet by reviewing the concept of knowledge management in modern administrative thought while demonstrating its importance and identifying its main operations, then identifying the management of knowledge in Islam, clarifying its importance, reviewing the methodology of the Prophet in dealing with knowledge and applying its management processes, and following the study the analytical descriptive approach based on content analysis, and the selection of the analysis unit (prophetic hadiths) contained in the Al-Darr database. Sunnis, which contain the word "science" or "knowledge", are investigated for correct and good prophetic hadiths and the exclusion of weak hadiths. The study found a number of results, most notably: that the roots of knowledge management processes exist in the Prophet's Year and within the prophet's management methodology, in addition to the fact that the processes of knowledge management in the age of the Prophet are: acquisition and generation of knowledge, the storage of knowledge, the dissemination of knowledge, the application of knowledge, and that the processes of knowledge management in the modern era conform to the principles of Islamic law, with the legality of the goal and the means.


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How to Cite
Maha bint Fahd Al Dosari, Afaf bint Hashim Al-Shammari, & Dr. Haifa bint Abdullah Al-Suhaim. (2023). Islamic rooting of knowledge management processes under the Prophet Muhammad. Journal of Arts, Literature, Humanities and Social Sciences, (98), 16-28.