The Impact of managing the High Inclusion of Human Resources on Organizational Performance in the Jordanian Commercial Banks

  • Rima Haider Mahmoud Al-Atoum The World Islamic Science & Education University, Jordan
  • Prof. Dr. Nidal Saleh Al-Hawamdeh University Mutah University, Jordan
Keywords: high inclusion management, human resources, organizational performance, Jordanian commercial banks


The study aimed to demonstrate the impact of managing high human resources inclusion on organizational performance in Jordanian commercial banks. In its study, the researcher relied on the descriptive analytical approach and adopted the questionnaire as a tool for collecting data, as the study population consisted of employees in Jordanian commercial banks, numbering (850) employees. The researcher used the proportional stratified random sampling method to represent the real population of the study, which was (295) employees. The study reached many results, most notably: the presence of a positive relationship between the dependent variable and the independent variable for effective employment, in addition to the presence of a statistically significant effect at the level of significance. Statistics (α = 0.05) for effective employment in organizational performance in Jordanian commercial banks, and the existence of a positive relationship between the dependent variable and the independent variable for the work team, in addition to the presence of a statistically significant effect at the level of statistical significance (α = 0.05) for the work team in organizational performance in banks. The study recommended many recommendations, the most prominent of which are: strengthening the work of human resources management by developing and implementing plans, focusing on attracting competent labour, in addition to focusing on sharing information to raise the level of banks and survive in light of the intense competition they face.


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How to Cite
Rima Haider Mahmoud Al-Atoum, & Prof. Dr. Nidal Saleh Al-Hawamdeh. (2023). The Impact of managing the High Inclusion of Human Resources on Organizational Performance in the Jordanian Commercial Banks. Journal of Arts, Literature, Humanities and Social Sciences, (96), 107-125.