The Role of Universities in Promoting Entrepreneurship Education
This study aimed to identify the theoretical foundations of entrepreneurial education, as well as to define the concept, objectives, and importance of entrepreneurial education. Additionally, this study aimed to demonstrate the theories that explain entrepreneurial education. The study followed a descriptive and analytical methodology by referring to previous literature, analyzing it, and identifying its results. The study found several important aspects of entrepreneurial education, including the promotion of independence and providing opportunities for excellence, achieving dreams and aspirations, contributing to community building and problem-solving, as well as developing creativity and innovation skills in individuals. Moreover, the study identified several theories that explain entrepreneurship, including trait theory, achievement motivation theory, and planned behavior theory. Although entrepreneurship is a modern term, it dates back to the emergence of trade and economic activities and human need for services in various aspects of life. Entrepreneurship has undergone many developments over time until it reached its modern concept in our current era, which is represented by a creative economic system through the gathering and allocation of limited resources for gain and growth under risky conditions. Interest in entrepreneurial education began at the beginning of the last century, with the first entrepreneurship course offered at Harvard University. Entrepreneurial education has since evolved and spread widely. The study recommended the development of university educational policies that support entrepreneurial education, as well as the establishment of a council in each university that focuses on entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial education, the utilization of international experiences in applying entrepreneurial education in universities, and the formation of partnerships with international and local institutions and companies to benefit from their experiences in the field of entrepreneurship.
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