Suggested Course Design to Increase the Efficiency of Fashion Design Graduates in Entrepreneurial Startups
This study aims to design a course that educates students about The Fashion Business, to increase their chances of success when starting their own startups. Startup businesses have great importance in supporting the local economy, and they also promote the individual’s identity and provide more job opportunities to the local community. This contributes to the Kingdom's 2030 vision, which encourages small startups by facilitating the legal structure and make financing available. The research problem lies in the deficiency of one of the department's most important outputs, which is related to the labor market. It has been observed that some female graduates quickly face failure of the projects that they start after no more than two years, which prompted the following questions:
What are the basic needs for teaching fashion business? What course vocabulary can be taught to cover the basics of fashion business? What are the difficulties that the student faces when starting a private business? To answer these questions; A descriptive analytical method was used to analyze the causes of failure for some emerging businesses for female graduates. Then the information was collected through personal interviews, and a questionnaire, which was distributed to a deliberate sample of 28 female students who had studied a Marketing Management course and a Business Administration course; For the years 1435-1437 AH. Also, a random sample of 40 female students from the Department of Fashion and Textile Design was selected in 1438-1439 AH. To seek their opinion, and to determine the basic needs and difficulties that the student faces when starting her own business in the fashion industry.
After collecting and analyzing data; The description: "Fashion Marketing" course was chosen to include the basics of Fashion Business. Nevertheless, it became clear that it is not possible to measure to what extent does the course contribute to meet the needs of starting a business, because entrepreneurship requires an intense set of courses. Accordingly, the researcher recommends the importance of opening a complementary one-year course for teaching fashion business to female students who want to start their own business.
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