The Relationship between Horse Riding and Raising the Level of Academic Achievement among Elementary School Students in Riyadh

  • Dr. Hend Sulaiman Al-Rumayyan Assistant professor - Department of educational foundations - Faculty of education - Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Keywords: Horseback Riding, Academic Achievement, Elementary School Students, Riyadh


The current study aimed to uncover the relationship between horse riding and raising the level of academic achievement among elementary school students in Riyadh. The study sample consisted of (300) primary school students in Riyadh, and the study followed the descriptive survey approach to achieve the objectives of the study. Questionnaire was designed collect the necessary data, and the program (SPSS) was used to, enter the data and conducting the necessary statistical treatments. Besides,  the study concluded that the students are practicing riding sport with a high degree. In addition, the level of awareness of elementary school students about academic achievement are a high degree, and the study also found that there is a positive relationship between the horse riding and raising the level of academic achievement for elementary school students in Riyadh. So that the study recommended that there is an importance of directing educational institutions, including schools, their directors and staff. Educational aspects of the importance of horse riding and its positive repercussions on the health of the student and the improvement of his academic achievement.


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How to Cite
Dr. Hend Sulaiman Al-Rumayyan. (2021). The Relationship between Horse Riding and Raising the Level of Academic Achievement among Elementary School Students in Riyadh. Journal of Arts, Literature, Humanities and Social Sciences, (67), 276-292.