The Effectiveness of using Flipped Learning in Solving Homework Problems among Middle Second-Grade Intermediate Students from the point of view of Mathematics Teachers in Riyadh
The flipped education strategy seeks to develop students' higher intellectual skills, stimulate motivation and motivation to learn, acquire the ability to self-learn and demand knowledge and thinking. Hence, the effectiveness of this strategy in solving traditional homework problems, including the student’s feeling of burden, fatigue and boredom that turns that process into a routine procedure. Useless. Then the study aimed to identify the effectiveness of the use of flipped learning in solving homework problems among second-grade students, average from the point of view of mathematics teachers in the city of Riyadh, and to achieve the goal of the study, the descriptive analytical approach was used by applying a questionnaire consisting of 20 paragraphs to a number of 110 female teachers of mathematics. In Riyadh. The study found that there is homogeneity between the sample views and a medium to high agreement about the effectiveness of using flipped learning in solving homework problems for second-grade students. Medium from the point of view of mathematics teachers regarding the effect of the flipped education strategy in reducing the level of student tension and protecting the student from the risks of low level Academic intelligence as a result of the traditional homework routine and its effect in facing the disturbance of the relationship with the teacher or guardian as a result of the student’s inability to perform the traditional homework. In addition to the above, there was a proportion of homogeneity between the views of the sample regarding the elimination of the application of the inverted education strategy on the routine and the loss of student time and the development of love Surveying and acquiring the student’s self-learning skill is an alternative to the negatives of the traditional homework routine. Finally, the application of the flipped learning strategy saves class time so that the student acquires higher thinking skills. There was an opinion related to the effect of applying the flipped education strategy in achieving learning objectives and facing homework problems, as the flipped learning strategy helps in the process of preparing students to learn and acquire knowledge and exploit the potential of educational platforms and digital education. In addition, flipped education helps to monitor the quality of electronic planning of lessons and invest class time in Solving problems and learning difficulties related to mathematics. It also helps the teacher focus on comprehension, comprehension and motivation of the student in the educational process.
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