Literary Discourse Analysis in Light of Deliberative Theories

(A study and approaches)

  • Dr. Mohammed Al-Amin Sheikh Ahmed Assistant Professor of Literature and Criticism - Department of Arabic Language and Literature - Qassim University - KSA
  • Dr. Abdullah bin Hamoud Al-Fawzan Assistant Professor of Literature and Criticism- Department of Arabic Language and Literature - Qassim University - KSA
Keywords: literary discourse, deliberative theories


The present study seeks to present the idea of subjecting the literary and poetic discourse especially to the analysis through the procedures of the deliberative theories;  since it may  initially seem difficult, because of the large number of these theories on the one hand and the lack of recognition of their suitability to the literary discourse in general and the poetic discourse in particular on the other, all these views were not neglected in that a question , on the feasibility of this idea was raised here.  Needless to say, poetry does have transcendence over ordinary language, and deliberative curriculum has grown up in the warm lap of utilitarian philosophy, which considers the usefulness and effectiveness of things as essential criteria for measuring them.

The study does, however, simultaneously refer to the centrality of poetry in the Arabic language, and the significance of context in the Arab heritage; this makes the study of poetic discourse without looking at the rationales in which it was born incomplete. That is basically how deliberation had cropped up. Thus, the current study proposed, of course after several introductions, a series of procedures proponent to deliberative theories, and applied them to a variety of texts of different purposes, doctrines and periods the common thing to which is poetry.  This study, which is applied in nature, concluded with a set of results that would certainly be of use to all concerned and based on which subsequent studies can be built.


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How to Cite
Dr. Mohammed Al-Amin Sheikh Ahmed, & Dr. Abdullah bin Hamoud Al-Fawzan. (2020). Literary Discourse Analysis in Light of Deliberative Theories: (A study and approaches). Journal of Arts, Literature, Humanities and Social Sciences, (60), 13-26.