The Aesthetic of Condensation in the poetry of Bahtri

  • Dr. Haifa Khalaf Al-Jubouri Department of Arabic Language - College of Education for Woman - University of Baghdad - Iraq
Keywords: condensation, Bahtri, poet, manifestations of condensation


The condensation represents an innovative criterion for the value of poetic production and its high value in the poetic image. It reveals the precise artistic structure produced by the genius of the poet, because the poet woven it from his unconscious depth through his thoughts to the stage of creation and out of repetition. And the purpose lies in the intensity of its impact, and that phenomenon was formed in the month of the Bahtri images and a beautiful graphic and symbolized to its purposes and provided a balance between poetic formulas It evokes the most intense moments of the poetic experience, as the words contain different connotations and illuminations, which we shed light on and seek the citizens of beauty and creativity among them through several axes, namely the recognition of the concept of intensification language and terminology, and the image of the Bahtri man and poet and then stand on the citizen of the element of intensification and its manifestations in the court of the Bahtari.


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How to Cite
Dr. Haifa Khalaf Al-Jubouri. (2020). The Aesthetic of Condensation in the poetry of Bahtri. Journal of Arts, Literature, Humanities and Social Sciences, (60), 1-12.