Al-Siri Overlapped with Imagination in the Novel "Baghdad with Half the Night in It" by Hayat Al-Rayes

  • Dr. Isra Salem Salem Musa College of Education for Girls - University of Qadisiyah - Iraq
Keywords: Al-Siri in the novel, the imaginary in the novel, Baghdad with Half the Night in It, Hayat Al-Rayes.


There is no dispute that there is a desire that motivates some writers to document their lives by writing them either through writing explicit biographies or through narrative or fictional narrative texts, based in its incident almost entirely based on the facts of the story given that the experiences and experiences that the writer acquires It helps him to make his narrative text move in its frame, and the novel "Baghdad with Midnight in It" is completely devoted to the art of biography; As the novelist Hayat Al-Rayes takes over the reins of the Sarthi narration of the chunky memory of events and situations and gives it complete freedom in narrating events, which makes the narrative self clearly visible to the reader in the space of the story.

     This paper seeks to read the heterosexual interplay between two narratives that are narratively different, namely "biography" and "novel", by reading (the internal textual directives of (personality, events, and location)

The external directives are textual represented by "thresholds as a parallel narrative narrative" on which the narrative narration is based, which revealed a manifestation of literary interaction and sexual rapprochement, forming a common literary space that seeks to complete the other, and is represented by "the title, parallel title, introduction, initiation, dedication, cover".


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How to Cite
Dr. Isra Salem Salem Musa. (2020). Al-Siri Overlapped with Imagination in the Novel "Baghdad with Half the Night in It" by Hayat Al-Rayes. Journal of Arts, Literature, Humanities and Social Sciences, (56), 283-295.