Cultural Criticism, Reading kn Cultural Settings

(The Triple of Ahlam Mostaghanemi as a model)

  • Assist. Lect. Salima Swadi Zaghair The General Directorate of Education for Qadisiyah - Ministry of Education - Iraq
Keywords: cultural criticism, cultural patterns, Ahlam Mostaghanemi


   The research presents a study in the cultural criticism of the form embodied in the text of an intellectual activity revolving around the political and social conditions and conditions that surround the members of society and producing the literary text at the same time.

   The research includes historical indications of the emergence of this type of criticism, especially in the home country sponsors Europe. And its home country is the East or the Arab world, in which Egypt has taken the lead.

    The research is divided into two chapters, the first revolves around basic areas of political coordination, such as patriotism, nationalism, and the authority exercised by politics. At the end of the topic, I touched on authoritarian patriotism and democratic patriotism as two types of fundamentals of patriotism.

    As for the second chapter, it revolves around social issues presented by the writer, with critical cultural and artistic methods that are based in their entirety on monitoring and criticizing social problems.

   Among the most important social issues that are closely related to people are (love and hatred), (the image of women) and (polygamy and its social effects).




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How to Cite
Assist. Lect. Salima Swadi Zaghair. (2020). Cultural Criticism, Reading kn Cultural Settings: (The Triple of Ahlam Mostaghanemi as a model). Journal of Arts, Literature, Humanities and Social Sciences, (56), 255-267.