Role Conflict for Women and Family Problems

(Field study in Al-Muthanna Governorate)

  • علم الاجتماع - كلية الآداب- جامعة المثنى- العراق Sociology- Art College - Al-Muthanna University- Iraq
Keywords: women, job, family problem, society


Modern societies have facing many changes and developments that are not limited to only one field but covered all fields economic, political, social and even cultural aspects and intellectual, Iraqi a society like other societies, face with an accelerating wave of these changes, The most prominent change, which is in the social and family structures. The circumstances pushed the woman to work with addition family burdens, which is to create many family problems. Our research highlights the most important problems facing the family due the women have multiple roles and her economic contribution. the research came in three sections the first and the second included the theoretical side of the research it contains the basic elements as well the research problem, importance, goals, hypotheses, and concepts of research, and some of the previous studies and social theories that explain the research problem, and the researcher relied on the functional constructivism theory as it is the closest theory to explain the research problem. The third section was the field side, in which we adopted the descriptive approach using the questionnaire form on a random a sample consisting of (60) employees woman, and one of the very important results of the research is that most of the sample members have a feeling that they live in a Family Disintegration where is (70%) that of the research hypothesis was confirmed, Research hypothesis (There is a relationship between family disintegration and the multiple roles of women) The results of the research confirmed that the male culture of society detracts the husband who helps his wife in the daily routines works and housekeeping for family living, which creates more burdens in the woman's life and this led to the deterioration of the family conditions.


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How to Cite
علم الاجتماع - كلية الآداب- جامعة المثنى- العراق. (2020). Role Conflict for Women and Family Problems: (Field study in Al-Muthanna Governorate). Journal of Arts, Literature, Humanities and Social Sciences, (56), 221-238.