The News Bani Aumayah in the Narrations of Al-Madaini (D: 225 AH)
Ali bin Muhammad Al-Madaini is considered one of the most prominent scholars of the third century AH. He spent a large part of his life transmitting historical narrations and authorship, and he was a lot of typologies, and he approached the scholars and sheikhs until he remained attached to Isaac Al-Mawsali. Many of the narrations of the biography of the Prophet and his family (peace be upon them), as he transmitted the news of the adult caliphs and the Umayyads, and conveyed many news of the Abbasids, and poured his interest in reporting the accounts of the conquest of the Islamic Arab state in the East until he wrote a book in Al-Futuh, and if that indicates something, it is It indicates the depth of his knowledge and ability to purify Historical novels accurately striking interesting. In this study, health nutritional techniques, methods and programs used in health centers, resorts and hospital hospitals, the extent of the staff's commitment to these programs, the reflection of food programs on the inmates, the discussion of previous research on foreign specialization and their relevance to the present and modern technology used for services, hospital and food care. His books amounted to about two hundred works, and the research in our hands is concerned with the transmission of the news of his illiterate sons in the narrations of the cities, which the researcher collected, and searched for in sources of history, books of jurisprudence and hadith, and books of men.
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