Artistic expression of women imprisoned in a region Iraqi Kurdistan \ Sulaymaniyah Governorate Center

  • Assist. Prof. Dr. Wafa Mohammed Hussein Ahmed Department of Art Education - College of Basic Education - University of Sulaymaniyah - Iraqi Kurdistan
  • Prof. Dr. Jawad Nimat Hussain Department of Art Education - College of Basic Education - University of Sulaymaniyah - Iraqi Kurdistan
Keywords: artistic expression, women prisoners, Sulaymaniyah Governorate


The goal of current research to identify the implications of intellectual and psychological drawings of women in prison in Sulaimaniya province through her paint  and collected through cooperation with the creativity of the development organization of women in Sulaimaniya, consisted search of five chapters, the first chapter contains the goals of the research and its problem and its significance in addition to its limits and determine the terminology, while the second chapter included the theoretical framework and the literature on the subject of the search, and in the third quarter where he explained the researchers research methodology and procedures, either in the fourth quarter may offer researchers graphics prisoners and then read through the identification analysis procedures, and in the fifth chapter the authors discuss the results Find and that was the most important,(77%)of the women prisoners was style self, while walked through (23%) of whom style and realistic (50%) of whom suffer fear, anxiety and stress, as she was (43%) of them tend to be concentrated in an attempt to compensate marginalized them, was (36%) of whom find it difficult to communicate with others, while 7% of them feel betrayed.


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How to Cite
Assist. Prof. Dr. Wafa Mohammed Hussein Ahmed, & Prof. Dr. Jawad Nimat Hussain. (2020). Artistic expression of women imprisoned in a region Iraqi Kurdistan \ Sulaymaniyah Governorate Center. Journal of Arts, Literature, Humanities and Social Sciences, (56), 76-87.