Fadhel Hatim world's Poetry

  • Assist. Prof.Dr. Bashir Abdel-Zaid Attia Supervision Directorate, Specialization - Directorate of Education, Al-Qadisiyah Ministry of Education, Iraq
Keywords: Fadhel Hatem, prison, love, disease


The truth of Hatem's poetry, which was represented (imprisonment, love, and death), is the truth of the human being, with his simple, uncomplicated, and uncoordinated dimensions. Isolating the meaning from the topic, but it was fused with the sensual existence that unleashed its emotional impulses, and for this reason, the language did not plead with a witchcraft leader, only the word comes as a subtle obedience, decisive in expressing its subject, so you feel as though you are experiencing moments of poetic manifestation, as if it is a comprehensive stereoscopic image, Precise and unique, on the large area of ​​his collections, he did not want a voice equivalent to the voice of the self, and it depicts the dimensions of its uniqueness by revealing the cache of its past, and its present frank, so the hair was his pleasure and consolation, so he found himself in it, so he pushed him to hold on to hope, he was not a retreating retractor, and every encounter It brings me together, I wonder about this rare courage it includes in facing disease, and I wonder about the source of this unbridled hope that leads them to the airport of the poem, and the race against time to spread it.


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How to Cite
Assist. Prof.Dr. Bashir Abdel-Zaid Attia. (2020). Fadhel Hatim world’s Poetry. Journal of Arts, Literature, Humanities and Social Sciences, (56), 40-52. https://doi.org/10.33193/JALHSS.56.2020.158