Manifestations of Myth in Feminist Poetry
The myth was used in many subjects of Arabic literature after it was a purely philosophical subject, and with the emergence of the wave of modern Western influenced by our poets and critics in particular, many Greek, Roman, Babylonian and Pharaonic legends were present strongly in our contemporary Arabic poems, Nazik el Malika ,Badr Shaker al-Sayab, Abdel Wahab al-Bayati, Mahmoud Darwish, Adonis, Mohamed El-Maghout, Fouad Rifqa, and others who have mastered the use of these legends, after they understood their contents and manifestations in the contemporary poem. ECHO's share Ostor, July, Adonis, Baal, Ishtar, a bird Alpheniq, Horus, Bognja became the text of poetic modernist mosaic of cultural intermingling, thought and humanitarian.
And the employment of the legend in contemporary Arabic poetry remains one of its most important artistic and aesthetic advantages because of its poetry, and the Arab poet has the right to choose the legends that suit his taste and style in formulating and selecting the myth that expresses his linguistic text visually and artically, so the myth in the end is a mythological story that depicts the events Historical mixed with expressions and supernatural complexes with reality, but in a consistent literary form, and the poet here has to reconstruct these beautiful images and events in his poetic text so that they do not distort them, and do not affect the overall image of the legend employed in his poem, and perhaps the poet woman chooses the myths and uses them in her poetry except An expression of a painful psychological state that Arab women live under the male power that besieged creative Arab women in every time and place.
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