Creating Smart Clothing Designs for Children Using Electronic Sensor Technologies to Protect them from Sexual Harassment

  • Hanan Abdullah Al Ghadif Al Qahtani Lecturer of Fashion Design at the College of Arts and Humanities - Bisha University - Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
  • دعاء محمد عبود أحمد أستاذ تصميم الأزياء المساعد بكلية الفنون والتصاميم- جامعة القصيم المملكة العربية السعودية أستاذ تصميم الأزياء المساعد بكلية الاقتصاد المنزلي- جامعة حلوان جمهورية مصر
Keywords: Smart clothing, children's clothing, electronic sensors, sexual harassment


     Child abuse is one of the most dangerous phenomena affecting societies, and sexual harassment is one of the types of abuse that children are exposed to. The research aims to provide innovative smart clothing designs for children in middle childhood (6-9) years to protect them from sexual harassment using electronic sensors that meet their functional and aesthetic needs in a manner that is consistent with the child's age, in terms of design lines, colors and materials. The design standards of electronic devices and smart clothing were taken into account when designing the electronic device and when installing it in clothing. To achieve the research objectives, the descriptive analytical approach was used. The research samples consisted of (15) specialists in the field of clothing and textiles, and (35) consumers, meaning mothers of children, to measure their degree of acceptance of the proposed designs, which numbered (10) designs. The tools included two questionnaires to measure the degree of acceptance of the two research samples of the proposed designs, and one of the designs that achieved the highest results was implemented by the two research samples.


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How to Cite
Hanan Abdullah Al Ghadif Al Qahtani, & دعاء محمد عبود أحمد. (2025). Creating Smart Clothing Designs for Children Using Electronic Sensor Technologies to Protect them from Sexual Harassment. Journal of Arts, Literature, Humanities and Social Sciences, (116), 251-289.