The Aesthetic Potential of the City Body and the Aesthetics of the Place
(Case study - Tulkarm city)
Urban and urban design and planning aims to analyze and evaluate the aesthetic aspects and visual scenes in historic city centers, where the focus is on addressing the visual and aesthetic aspects to contribute to achieving a clean and pollution-free environment, providing psychological comfort to residents in addition to giving a distinctive aesthetic and visual character.
This study is based on a descriptive analytical methodology, where data was collected through field observations, and the analysis of images taken from the city center of Tulkarm, and the study reached a set of results that indicate the deterioration of the visual and aesthetic aspects of the city center, and its lack of street furniture, services and public facilities, and confirmed that addressing this deterioration Contributes to achieving a clean environment free of pollution, Which positively affects the residents' sense of satisfaction and belonging and improves the visual landscape of the city, the study recommended the use of modern technologies to improve urban planning and develop comprehensive organizational plans, enhance participation and cooperation between government agencies and the local community in maintaining visual aesthetics, and develop a more aesthetic and clean urban environment, which enhances the quality of Life in the city.
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