Competencies of the Optimal Investment program for Teachers in Special Education from the Teachers’ Perspective at Saudi Universities

  • Dr. Abdullah Mubarak Basaleem Associate Professor of Behaviour Disorders and Autism, King Abdulaziz University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Keywords: Optimal investment program, Teachers, Special Education, Saudi Universities


This research aimed to investigate the impact of the optimal investment program for Teachers in Special Education on teaching competencies from the perspective of male and female teachers at Saudi universities. A questionnaire on the impact of the Optimal investment program for teachers in Special Education on teaching competencies from their perspective at Saudi universities was administered to 70 male and female teachers. To reach the aim of the study the researcher  employed a descriptive methodology. The results revealed that perspectives regarding the program's impact on acquiring teaching and learning strategies were highly positive, with a mean score of 2.500. There was variation in teachers' views on the program's influence on teaching competencies. The mean responses for lesson planning competencies (2.5178) ranked first, followed by evaluation competencies (2.3928) in second place, and lesson implementation competencies (2.3036) in third place. The overall mean for the questionnaire was 2.4047, indicating a high positive perception. No statistically significant differences were found between male and female teachers' mean scores on the questionnaire based on gender or. However, statistically significant differences were observed in teachers' mean scores on the questionnaire dimensions and total score based on academic qualification (bachelor's - master's), except for the lesson implementation competencies dimension. The research recommends conducting quasi-experimental studies in this field.


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How to Cite
Dr. Abdullah Mubarak Basaleem. (2024). Competencies of the Optimal Investment program for Teachers in Special Education from the Teachers’ Perspective at Saudi Universities. Journal of Arts, Literature, Humanities and Social Sciences, (111), 536-569.