The Reality of Creative Decision-Making among Laders of Education Offices in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in light of International Models

  • Khaled Hadid Musleh Al-Baqmi Postgraduate Researcher, King Saud University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Keywords: Creative decisions, education offices, global models


The study aimed to identify the reality of creative decision-making among leaders of education offices in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in light of international models. The descriptive survey method and questionnaire were used as a tool for collecting data. A sample of (255) employees in education offices was selected. The results of the study concluded that the degree of agreement of the study sample on the reality of creative decision-making among the leaders of education offices in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in light of international models from the point of view of its employees was a (medium) degree of agreement, and on all dimensions, and it came in first place after creativity in increasing... Details about the problem, while it came in second place after creativity in decision-making, and came in third place after evaluating the stages of thinking to make the creative decision, and came in fourth place after creativity in defining the problem, and came in fifth place after creativity in verifying the effectiveness of alternatives, and came in last place after creativity. In exploring the elements of the problem, the study also addressed the most prominent international models in creative decision-making that can be used in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia as an input for developing the performance of leadership of education offices.


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How to Cite
Khaled Hadid Musleh Al-Baqmi. (2024). The Reality of Creative Decision-Making among Laders of Education Offices in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in light of International Models. Journal of Arts, Literature, Humanities and Social Sciences, (111), 512-535.