Attitudes of Media Students in Palestinian Universities Towards the Verification of Journalistic Photos

  • Raed Mosa Zawahreh Media Dept., Palestine Technical University – Kadoorie , Alaroub Branch, Palestine
Keywords: Students' Attitudes, Journalistic photo, News Verification


The study aimed to observe and analyze the attitudes of media students in Palestinian universities towards journalistic photos verification, their use of verification tools, their adoption of these tools, and the consequences of not using image verification tools. It also aimed to uncover the nuances in their opinions and attitudes, as well as the strategies and tools they use to verify the credibility and authenticity of the images they publish. The study employed a quantitative methodology, with a questionnaire serving as the primary tool for gathering relevant information on this phenomenon. The sample consisted of 258 respondents, all of whom were media students from Palestinian universities, selected through stratified random sampling. The study found several key results, including that media students' skills in identifying fake images on social media platforms are insufficient, despite their awareness of the importance of image verification and its impact on professional development. Their skills mainly rely on tools such as Google Images, but these remain inadequate. The students' awareness that image verification limits the spread of misleading news and contributes to stability was sufficient. There is a need for comprehensive training and resources in university education to enhance these skills. Additionally, There were no notable statistical differences in the students' attitudes towards image verification attributed to gender, academic year, university, or use of social media.


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How to Cite
Raed Mosa Zawahreh. (2024). Attitudes of Media Students in Palestinian Universities Towards the Verification of Journalistic Photos. Journal of Arts, Literature, Humanities and Social Sciences, (111), 292-319.