The Role of Digital Broadcasting Technologies in Enhancing Radio Audio Quality and Interactivity

(An Analytical Study)

  • Dr. Safaa Abbas Abdel Aziz Ibrahim Associate Professor of Media, Faculty of Media, Sudan Open University, Sudan
Keywords: Digital broadcasting technologies, broadcast quality, enhancing interactivity


This study aimed to investigate the role of digital radio broadcasting technologies in improving audio quality and enhancing interactivity, and to identify challenges facing the transition to digital broadcasting. The study reviewed the theoretical background of this topic and the problem of radio stations' reliance on analog broadcasting, which negatively impacts quality. A descriptive analytical approach was adopted using literature review and distribution of a questionnaire to a sample of 34 radio experts. The questionnaire included questions about the study subject. The results showed strong support for the role of digital broadcasting in improving audio quality and supporting interactivity, with approval rates for questions exceeding 65%. The results also revealed challenges facing this transition. The study concluded the importance of adopting digital broadcasting by addressing its challenges, proposing recommendations to facilitate the transition.


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How to Cite
Dr. Safaa Abbas Abdel Aziz Ibrahim. (2024). The Role of Digital Broadcasting Technologies in Enhancing Radio Audio Quality and Interactivity: (An Analytical Study). Journal of Arts, Literature, Humanities and Social Sciences, (111), 32-45.