The Metaphor of Sinbad's Flying Compass in the Digital Labyrinth of the Artificial Intelligence Era
This research presents a philosophical metaphor that explores the journeys of Sinbad the Sailor before and after the era of globalization. It emphasizes the significance of the adventurer as a symbol of travel, communication, and the shrinking of distances, examining the transformation of spaces and their temporal closeness from the imagination of the past to the realities of artificial intelligence today. Through a descriptive, analytical, and comparative study, the researchers argue that Sinbad has always been, and continues to be, a virtual traveler and a connector across various variables, spaces, and times.
Based on the iconic symbolism of Sinbad and its implications for the commercial sectors of travel services and logistical communication across land, sea, and air—extending beyond the spatial boundaries of cosmic realms—this research offers a philosophical perspective. It highlights the shift from the imaginative elements in Sinbad's tales of the past to the digital and virtual realities of the current era of globalization, where traditional travel tools have been replaced by modern technologies grounded in digital advancements and artificial intelligence.
The study found that imagination is a key element in travel literature, giving it unique depth. Sinbad's journeys symbolize an ongoing quest for self-improvement and discovery, transcending the limitations of their time. While today's virtual travel offers a borderless experience, Sinbad's adventures stand for a timeless pursuit of personal growth. Despite changes in travel standards and tools, Sinbad's journey remains a symbol of individual exploration and self-realization, reflecting the evolving nature of travel and its modern interpretations.
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