Building a Training Program for Physical Education Teachers based on Functional Theoretical Preparation and Testing its Effectiveness in Developing their Systemic Thinking Skills

  • Nihad Eid Ahmad Aladwan PhD student at the International Islamic Sciences University
  • Professor Dr. Mohammed Falah Al-Khawaldah International Islamic Sciences University
Keywords: training program, career theoretical preparation, systems thinking


The study aimed to reveal the construction of a training program for physical education teachers based on functional theoretical preparation and to test its effectiveness in developing their systemic thinking skills. To achieve this, the researchers followed the experimental approach with a one-group design (pre-post), and the number of study members was (16) male and female teachers. Of physical education teachers, they were trained according to the training program based on functional theoretical preparation for a period of three weeks, and then applied the study tool, as the study tool was a test to measure systemic thinking skills, and it consists of four skills, which are: analyzing the main system into sub-systems, and understanding Relationships within the system, Bridging the gaps within the system, and creating new systems from available elements. The results of the study showed that there were statistically significant differences between the average scores of the study individuals, as the significance of the average differences was in the direction of the post-measurement with the largest arithmetic average. In light of this, the study recommended several recommendations, the most important of which are: Adopting and implementing training programs based on functional theoretical preparation in various educational and training institutions, to enhance systemic thinking skills among teachers.


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How to Cite
Nihad Eid Ahmad Aladwan, & Professor Dr. Mohammed Falah Al-Khawaldah. (2024). Building a Training Program for Physical Education Teachers based on Functional Theoretical Preparation and Testing its Effectiveness in Developing their Systemic Thinking Skills. Journal of Arts, Literature, Humanities and Social Sciences, (109), 201-222.