The Level of Practice of Professional Learning Communities in Public Schools from the perspective of Teachers in Light of some Demographic Variables

  • Mohammad Alfadeel Assistant Professor of Leadership and Organization Development, College of Education, King Abdulaziz University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Keywords: professional learning communities, teacher development, general education


The study aimed to identify the level of practice of professional learning communities in general education schools in Jeddah from the point of view of teachers, and the extent to which there are statistically significant differences about the level of practice of professional learning communities in general education schools in Jeddah from the point of view of teachers due to the variables (gender, academic qualification). The current study followed the descriptive approach and applied a questionnaire to collect data. The study sample is 705 male and female general education teachers. The study results indicated that the responses on the axis of “Practicing professional learning communities in general education schools in Jeddah.” It received a “high” practice score, as the overall average was (3.87). The results of the study also indicate that there are no statistically significant differences at the level of significance (0.05) or less between the responses due to the variables of gender and academic qualification. One of the important recommendations is the necessity of strengthening professional learning communities within general education schools which will have a significant impact on developing the educational process through sharing new questions and ideas related to managing student behaviors within the classroom and developing learning. These communities are also considered sources for developing learning communities by providing training courses and workshops that enhance participation and interaction of teachers and help exchange knowledge and experiences.


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How to Cite
Mohammad Alfadeel. (2024). The Level of Practice of Professional Learning Communities in Public Schools from the perspective of Teachers in Light of some Demographic Variables. Journal of Arts, Literature, Humanities and Social Sciences, (105), 238-256.