Max Weber's Rationalism and Adorno's Dialectics in Music from a Sociological Perspective

  • Hassan El-Bakkari Professor of music education and doctoral researcher, specializing in the sociology of music in the Sociology and Psychology Laboratory, Faculty of Arts, Humanities, Arts and Educational Sciences, Dhahr El-Mehraz, Sidi Mohammed Ben Abdullah University, Fez, Morocco
Keywords: Max Weber , the concept of rationalization , Theodor Adorno , the critical approach


This article seeks to recall the most important sociological attempts that approached the study and analysis of the musical phenomenon from a sociological perspective as an intellectual project initially adopted by Max Weber and completed by Theodor Adorno, noting that the two bet together on approaching music from a sociological perspective based on the concept of rationalization as a basic entry point for understanding the relationship between it and music. the society. Among the basic challenges of this article is also to highlight the starting points and levels of looking at music for each of them from the social angle, so that Max Weber believes that music notation, with its theoretical and technical elements and components, is the highest manifestation of rationalization in Western music, while Theodor Adorno opened new horizons in the sociology of music for thinking. In the duality of music and society, he took us with him to a distinguished intellectual world rich in concepts, terminology, and comparisons of a critical sociological nature.


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How to Cite
Hassan El-Bakkari. (2024). Max Weber’s Rationalism and Adorno’s Dialectics in Music from a Sociological Perspective. Journal of Arts, Literature, Humanities and Social Sciences, (105), 79-92.