The Impact of using Social Networks in Enhancing the Image of Saudi Arabia as a Global Sports Destination
(A field study)
The study aims to assess the impact of the use of social networks in enhancing the image of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia as a global sports destination using the descriptive and analytical approach based on the questionnaire. The data was collected from a random sample of (200) non-Saudis residing in Saudi Arabia, citizens and residents of the Arab Gulf countries and others. The questionnaire was published online for a group of people interested in the subject of sports and sports events on social media sites.
The results of the study showed the high interest of the study participants in following sports events in general and held in Saudi Arabia in particular. The study also indicated that (YouTube) came at the forefront of social media on which individuals depend the study sample to obtain information and news about sports events, and that the pages of influencers, whether athletes or others, came at the front of the pages on which the study sample depends in obtaining information about sports events. The results also indicated that photos and video are the first concerns of the study sample, and in terms of the effects of following news and information about sports affairs on social media sites, the most important impact they have was to enhance the image of the Kingdom as a sports destination.
The study also revealed a tool between the interest of the study sample to read sports topics in social media and their dependence on social media in obtaining information and news about sports events. The study also revealed statistical differences between the cognitive effects of the study sample.
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