The Role of Social media in Promoting Values and Morals
(An analytical study of the impact of social media on users’ behavior and community values)
social media, values, ethics, user behavior, community values
This research aims to examine the vital role that social media plays in promoting values and ethics in the modern digital society in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Through an analytical study of the impact of social media (Facebook - Twitter - Instagram) on users' behavior and societal values, the results in this research represent a comprehensive analysis of the public's response and interaction with content related to ethical topics on these platforms. This comprehensive analysis of content published on social media platforms in Saudi Arabia shows that the most frequent platform for topics related to values and ethics is Facebook at 39%, followed by Instagram at 33.3%, and Twitter comes in last at 27.6%. In the area of language distribution, Arabic stands out at 67.3%, which indicates users' preference for communicating in their mother tongue. Dialect preferences also appear, with 53% preferring the use of colloquial dialect, reflecting the public's desire to communicate in a more accessible language. In the context of content types, the disparity in user choice is evident, with posts leading at 41.9%, the use of images at 27% and videos at 14.3%. In the field of interaction, 47.9% of likes on posts reflect the audience’s preference for simple and positive interaction. Based on these results, the recommendations were based on the importance of integrating strategies to direct content towards a positive impact on the digital society in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The research emphasizes the importance of improving marketers and content managers' interaction with audience preferences and changes on social media to improve effectiveness in achieving desired goals.References
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3) الطيار، ف. ب. ع. (2014). شبكات التواصل الاجتماعي وأثرها على القيم لدى طلاب الجامعة (تويتر نموذجًا). الرياض: جامعة نايف العربية للعلوم الأمنية
4) عبد الرزاق بلعقروز,القيم الأخلاقية والعلوم الاجتماعية: نحو إبستمولوجية القيم الحاكم,مجلد 20 عدد 80 (2015)
5) عزوز نش، لطفي دكاني,تأثير استخدام مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي على قيم الشباب الجامعي الجزائري.. دراسة لعيني من مستخدمي موقع Facebook,مجلة جيل العلوم الإنسانية والاجتماعية,ع11,2015,ص ص 183-193.
6) فهد عائض القحطاني,أثر مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي على قيم الطالب الجامعي في جامعة أم القرى, جامعة أم القرى 2020
7) فوزية عبيد المسعود "دور وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي في تعزيز القيم الاجتماعية لدى طلبة كلية التربية بجامعة الكويت " ,المجلة التربوية. مج. 36، ع. 141، ج. 2، ديسمبر 2021.
8) نيك كولدري، (2014). شبكات التواصل الاجتماعي والممارسات الإعلامية، ترجمة هبة ربيع، القاهرة،
9) هناء النابلسي,مواقع التواصل االجتماعي وأثرها على الشباب الجامعي دراسة على عينة من طلبة الجامعات الأردنية, العلوم الإنسانية والاجتماعية، المجّلد 84, العدد 3, ملحق 1, 2021
10) Ashlyn Velte, Ethical Challenges and Current Practices in Activist Social Media Archives ,The American Archivist (2018) 81 (1): 112–134.
11) Asough, A. (2012). SOCIAL MEDIA AND ETHICS - The Impact of Social Media on Journalism Ethics: FOCUS: THE ETHICAL CHALLENGES OF JOURNALISTS USING SOCIAL MEDIA WEBSITES IN THEIR REPORTING. Center for International Media Ethics (CIME).
12) Hekler, E. B., Michie, S., Pavel, M., Rivera, D. E., Collins, L. M., Jimison, H. B., Garnett, C., Parral, S., & Spruijt-Metz, D. (2016). Advancing Models and Theories for Digital Behavior Change Interventions. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 51(5), 825-832.
13) Jass Fleck,Johnson-Migalski. The Impact of Social Media on Personal and Professional Lives: An Adlerian Per-spective. The journal of Individual, 2015,71(2):135-142
14) Journal of Education / Al Mejlh Altrbwyh . 2021, Issue 141, p11-40. 30p.
15) Lanming Chen & Lisa K. Hanasono. The Effect of Acculturation on Chinese International Students' Usage of Facebook and Renren. China Media Research 2016; 12(1): 46-59].
16) Nikita Aggarwal,Introduction to the Special Issue on Intercultural Digital Ethics, Published: 19 September 2020,volume 33, pages547–550 (2020)
17) Noor Al-Deen, H.S., & Hendricks, J.A. (2011). Social Media: Usage and Impact.
18) Turner, J. C. (1991). Social influence. Thomson Brooks/Cole Publishing Co.
How to Cite
Mishal Khalaf Al-Sugair. (2024). The Role of Social media in Promoting Values and Morals: (An analytical study of the impact of social media on users’ behavior and community values). Journal of Arts, Literature, Humanities and Social Sciences, (99), 318-350.