The Level of Orientation of Students of Higher Grades at the Primary Level in Jeddah towards Reading
The study aimed to reveal the level of tendency of students in higher grades at the primary level towards reading in Jeddah governorate, as well as whether there are differences attributable to the classroom between students' responses depending on the choice of higher grades at the primary level. To achieve its objectives, the study followed the descriptive curriculum suited to the study's nature. The study sample consisted of 219 students. To collect data, the researcher prepared the study tool, which is a measure of higher-level students' reading orientation, with 20 paragraphs. The results revealed the level of students' The overall arithmetic average (3.90) and standard deviation (98) were the following: Ranked first in the fifth grade primary at a high level among the higher grades, with an average calculation of (4.15), followed in second place by the sixth grade primary, with an average calculation of (3.75), and finally ranked third in the fourth grade primary at an average level, reaching the arithmetic average (3.57) .The results also showed statistically significant differences (a = 0.05) depending on the primary stage. Based on the study's findings, the present study has made some recommendations, the most important of which are: Make use of the study to address and promote students' attitudes towards reading in the upper grades of primary school, which have a significant impact on the consideration of their reading needs, and conduct teacher training programmes to promote the trend towards reading in students at primary school, as well as benefit Arabic supervisors in evaluating teachers' interest in students towards reading.
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