Linguistic Pluralism Policy and its Impact on the Arabic Language

  • Aisha Hamad Al Kuwari Department of Educational Sciences, College of Education, Qatar University, Qatar
  • Najla Mansour Al Khater Department of Educational Sciences, College of Education, Qatar University, Qatar
  • Aisha Ali Al Thani Department of Educational Sciences, College of Education, Qatar University, Qatar
Keywords: Arab Societies, Multilingualism, Connection, Communication


Arab societies are a good example of the phenomenon of multilingualism; it is a linguistic, social, linguistic phenomenon that may affect societies in all its systems and categories, one of the most prominent of these groups is the educational system, which is an essential and important part of every society.  The phenomenon of multilingualism in any society is represented in bilingualism that is relevant to each member of society. And this is through the process of connection and communication to express desires. Some members of the community are fluent in Arabic; others speak English and several other languages. It is necessary to identify the reasons and factors through which this phenomenon is explained to us with all its pros and cons and the extent of the impact of multilingualism on Arab societies in the educational aspect. This study aimed to identify the policy of multilingualism and its impact on the arabic language in our Arab societies by identifying societal experiences in many studies between (2012-2022).  The similarities and differences between them were used, as the systematic review method of previous studies was used to analyze the results addressed by these experiments, in addition to making a coding table for each study. The results of the study resulted in similarities in the policy of multilingualism, as it is an inevitable linguistic societal phenomenon as a result of globalization, expansion of the circle of knowledge, and the promotion of positive communication between students through the use of Arabic and English languages at the same time. In terms of difference, some studies have indicated that there are obstacles and challenges to the phenomenon of multilingualism in the Arab society, which hinders communication between members of society and the presence of a clear negative impact during communication. Therefore, this research aims to address this phenomenon more deeply and aims to establish a future direction to pay attention to new studies such as social linguistic studies and expand its circle to include several phenomena related to linguistic and cultural formation in Arab societies and Qatari society in particular.


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How to Cite
Aisha Hamad Al Kuwari, Najla Mansour Al Khater, & Aisha Ali Al Thani. (2024). Linguistic Pluralism Policy and its Impact on the Arabic Language. Journal of Arts, Literature, Humanities and Social Sciences, (99), 259-276.