The Use of Some Smart Devices and its Relationship to the Growth of Language Skills in Pre-School Children

  • Amal Hussein Al-Zaqdi PhD in Psychology Departmen, King Saud University, KSA
  • Seham Muhji Al-Mutairi Assistant Professor in Psychology Departmen, King Saud University, KSA
  • Ruba AbdelMatloub Moawad Professor in Psychology Department, King Saud University, KSA
Keywords: The Smart Devices, The Language Skills, Pre–School Children


The current study aimed to recognize the relation between using the smart devices and the growth of language skills of pre- school children according to the variable of using period.  In addition to recognize the difference between number of hours of using the smart devices and the growth of language skills. Furthermore,  aimed to recognize the differences in the language skills of the pre-school children who use the smart devices according  to  (age -  gender ) variable, and to do that, the qualitative and comparative method was used .  The study sample consisted of (120) boys and girls enrolled in (public) kindergarten in Ha'il City for the school year 1438 – 1439 H. The members of the sample have been chosen by a random cluster way. The researcher has used the measure of growing languages skills which measure the expressive language and the receptive language to collect the study data. The data has been analyzed by using the arithmetic averages, the Standard deviation, Pearson correlation coefficient, Spearman correlation coefficient, Cronbach’s Alpha, (T) test, (F) test and (LSD) test of the dimensional differences. The results of the study have revealed   statistically significant an associative reverse relation (negative) between the growth of the language skills (expressive and receptive) of children in pre - school stage and the periods of using the smart devices (half an hour and less) and (an hour and two hours), differences statistically significant have been found due to the variable of periods of using the smart devices in the growth of the language skills (expressive – receptive) of pre- school children  for the group of using hours (half an hour and less).


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How to Cite
Amal Hussein Al-Zaqdi, Seham Muhji Al-Mutairi, & Ruba AbdelMatloub Moawad. (2024). The Use of Some Smart Devices and its Relationship to the Growth of Language Skills in Pre-School Children. Journal of Arts, Literature, Humanities and Social Sciences, (99), 200-222.