Intertextuality in the Poetic Experience of the Saudi Poetess Muna Muhammad Al-Ghamdi
This study aims to uncover the religious, literary, and historical intertextuality in the poetic experience of the Saudi poetess Muna Al-Ghamdi. It examines the aesthetic and artistic value of intertextuality in her poetry by studying her collections 'Atsh' (Thirst) and 'Fawda Al-Masafat' (Chaos of Distances). The study explores the relationship between her texts and the religious, literary, and historical heritage, highlighting the positions of intertextuality and how they intertwine with the poetess' work. It emphasizes the beauty of these intertextual connections and their impact on the artistic and semantic formation of Muna Al-Ghamdi's poetic output. The study employs a descriptive-analytical approach to reveal these intertextualities, emphasizing their aesthetic and artistic value. It consists of three sections: religious intertextuality, literary intertextuality, and historical intertextuality. The study concludes with a set of results that confirm the richness of Muna Al-Ghamdi's poetic experience through various forms of intertextuality."
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