The Effectiveness Of Laser Cutting Technology In Creating Innovation Contemporary Painting

  • Dr. Ghadeer Mohammad Afif Assistant Professor, Department of arts and drawing, College of Art and Design, University of Jeddah, KSA
Keywords: Laser Cutting Technology, Innovation, Contemporary Painting


    The research examines the effectiveness of laser cutting technology in creating innovation contemporary painting. It sheds light on the concept of lasers, its techniques and applications in fine arts, and the benefit of laser cutting technology in contemporary paintings. The research problem is to highlight the possibility of creating innovation contemporary paintings using laser cutting technology. The research aims to activate laser cutting technology by producing innovative contemporary paintings, and to emphasize the importance of the aesthetic values of laser cutting technology and benefiting from it in producing contemporary paintings that suit technological development. The researcher followed the descriptive analytical method in describing and analyzing the works of artists who used laser cutting technology in their works, and the experimental method in self-experimentation. The results of the research summarized that applying laser cutting technology in paintings results in producing innovative paintings. And finding new formulations in visual art using laser cutting technology that enriches contemporary painting. In addition, the applications of laser cutting technology and the aesthetic values it contains have contributed to enriching the artist’s visual culture and producing contemporary paintings that suit technological development.The researcher recommended learning about all the new technologies and practical and scientific developments related to modern technological applications in visual  arts in general and painting in particular. Conducting more research and experimental studies into technological techniques in general and various laser techniques in particular to create visual formulations that enrich the field of contemporary painting.


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How to Cite
Dr. Ghadeer Mohammad Afif. (2023). The Effectiveness Of Laser Cutting Technology In Creating Innovation Contemporary Painting. Journal of Arts, Literature, Humanities and Social Sciences, (98), 288-300.