Prevalence Rate of Mind-Wandering among a Sample of Saudi Adolescents in Jeddah in view of some Demographic Variables

  • Shrooq Gharmallah Alzahrani Associate Professor of Psychology, College of Social Sciences and Media, University of Jeddah, KSA
Keywords: Prevalence rate, Mind-Wandering ,Saudi adolescents, demographic variables


 The current study aimed to reveal the level of prevalence of Mind-Wandering among a sample of Saudi adolescents in Jeddah, and to know the differences between the average degrees of Mind-Wandering among the study sample due to some demographic variables (gender, economic level, and scientific specialization). The study sample consisted of (420) A participant of Saudi adolescents, whose ages ranged between (14-18) years. The study tool was the Mind-Wandering scale by Helmy Al-Fil (2018). The study followed the descriptive, comparative, correlational approach, as the results concluded that there was a high level of Mind-Wandering among the study sample. The results also revealed that there were no differences in Mind-Wandering due to demographic variables (gender, economic level, and scientific specialization). The study recommended holding courses and workshops to reduce Mind-Wandering, develop Mindfulness, and use modern creative techniques in education.


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How to Cite
Shrooq Gharmallah Alzahrani. (2023). Prevalence Rate of Mind-Wandering among a Sample of Saudi Adolescents in Jeddah in view of some Demographic Variables. Journal of Arts, Literature, Humanities and Social Sciences, (98), 243-258.