The Extent to which Academic Accreditation Standards are Met in the Master of Arts in Art Education Program King Saud University from the point of view of faculty members

  • Dr. Abdullah Abdulaziz Al-Haizan Assistant Professor, Department of Visual Arts, College of Arts, King Saud University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
  • Muhammad Badr Al-Otaibi
Keywords: accreditation, academic accreditation


The current study aimed to identify the requirements for achieving academic accreditation in the Master of Art Education program at King Saud University from the point of view of faculty members. To achieve the objectives of the study, the researcher used the descriptive survey method. The study tool was a questionnaire whose validity and reliability were verified. The researcher explained the target study population. Represented by the faculty members in the Department of Art Education at King Saud University, (15) individuals from the study sample responded to the distribution process, with a percentage of (50.0%). The results of the study showed that the largest percentage of the study members were female, with a percentage of (60%), compared to It was found that (40%) of the males had a doctorate, with a percentage of (73.3%), while it was found that (26.7%) had a master’s academic qualification. The results of the study showed that the study’s faculty members agreed with the requirements for achieving academic accreditation in the master’s program. Art education at King Saud University from the point of view of the faculty members, and that there is complete agreement among the study members on the mission, vision, and strategic planning, and also that there is agreement among the study members on governance and administrative leadership, and among the study members on the faculty, staff, and students, as well as on teaching and learning. And on scientific research and innovation, and on community partnership, and on the challenges (administrative and academic) that they face within the requirements for achieving academic accreditation, and on the organizational and administrative challenges that are among the obstacles they face. The results of the study showed that there is agreement on the challenges of scientific research and community service among the obstacles facing the Master of Education program. Technical studies at King Saud University in the pursuit of academic accreditation from the point of view of faculty members.


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How to Cite
Dr. Abdullah Abdulaziz Al-Haizan, & Muhammad Badr Al-Otaibi. (2023). The Extent to which Academic Accreditation Standards are Met in the Master of Arts in Art Education Program King Saud University from the point of view of faculty members. Journal of Arts, Literature, Humanities and Social Sciences, (98), 148-172.