The Impact of Cloud Storage Centers on Metacognitive Thinking Skills among Female Students in Higher Education Institutions

  • Marwa Zaki Tawfiq Zaki Faculty Of Education, University Of Jeddah, KSA
Keywords: cloud storage centers, metacognitive thinking skills


Cloud storage centers are among the educational resources that have played an active role in distance education environments in higher education institutions. Dealing with technical innovations, including cloud storage centers, requires students to have metacognitive thinking skills. Accordingly, the current research examines the effect of using cloud storage centers on the metacognitive thinking skills of some female students at the University of Jeddah. The quasi-experimental approach was used to compare the experimental group that used a cloud storage center in teaching and learning processes and the control group that used the usual explanation method. The research sample consisted of (60) female students who were randomly distributed into the two research groups. A scale for metacognitive thinking was developed, consisting of three axes: planning, monitoring, and evaluation, with a total of 30 items. The results showed the advantage of the experimental group that used the cloud storage center in improving indicators of metacognitive thinking. The research recommended the need to expand the use of cloud storage centers as one of the effective tools in the arsenal of digital technologies. The research also recommended the need to train faculty members to use cloud storage centers in teaching and learning processes.


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How to Cite
Marwa Zaki Tawfiq Zaki. (2023). The Impact of Cloud Storage Centers on Metacognitive Thinking Skills among Female Students in Higher Education Institutions. Journal of Arts, Literature, Humanities and Social Sciences, (95), 400-418.