The Effect of unlimited Talent Theory on developing Divergent thinking Skills and Motivation for Creativity among H2 Students in the UAE

  • Dr. Fatema Matar Halool Independent Researcher, Expert in Education, RAK, United Emirates
Keywords: (TUM) model activities, thinking talents, motivation for creativity


The research aims to answer two main questions: what is the impact of the activities of the multiple talent programme on developing the creative thinking skills of sixth grade students in the UAE and developing their motivation for creativity? The research sample consisted of female and male students from "Al Nouf" Elementary School for Girls in Sharjah, and from "Al Bidaa" Elementary Education School for Boys in Fujairah, divided into experimental and control groups.

To achieve the research objectives, I designed a training programme that follows the talents unlimited model.

The results indicated that there are statistically significant differences between the averages marks o students in the experimental and control groups in favour of the experimental one on the dimensional and total divergent thinking test and its five sections and on the motivation test in its six dimensions.

Based upon the results, the researcher concluded the following: - The talents unlimited model has a significant impact on developing divergent thinking skills among the subjects in the experimental group.

The students acquired the skills to develop and provide various ideas.

The model enhances the students' ability to suggest creative and unconventional ideas.

The talents unlimited model activities have a clear statistical significance as demonstrated by the average scores of the experimental group.


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How to Cite
Dr. Fatema Matar Halool. (2023). The Effect of unlimited Talent Theory on developing Divergent thinking Skills and Motivation for Creativity among H2 Students in the UAE. Journal of Arts, Literature, Humanities and Social Sciences, (97), 155-176.