The Image of the Holy City in Fawzi Bakri’s Poetry

  • Muhammad Jabaiti PhD student in Arabic Language and Literature, Manouba University, Tunisia
Keywords: The Holy City, Fawzi Bakri


  The city of Jerusalem formed an emotional state and a close connection, religious and spiritual, between the poet and the place with its sanctity and landmarks, especially in light of the occupations and invasions that Jerusalem has been exposed to throughout history, and the wars that were linked to the history of this holy city. Therefore, through the descriptive and analytical approach, I studied the image of Jerusalem in Al-Maqdisi’s poetry. Fawzi Al-Bakri, who was the poet of the city, the recorder of its diaries and dreams, and the voice of its cries in the face of the occupier, to form a historical book that chronicles the Holy City, after a historical extrapolation in the first and second sections of the image of the city and its presence in Arab and Palestinian poetry.


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How to Cite
Muhammad Jabaiti. (2023). The Image of the Holy City in Fawzi Bakri’s Poetry. Journal of Arts, Literature, Humanities and Social Sciences, (97), 15-28.