The Verdict of the Brothers' Inheritance with Grandfather in the Palestinian Sharia Courts
(A comparative jurisprudential legal study)
The research aims to demonstrate the concept of inheritance, its definition, elements, causes, conditions and merits, And to see the inheritance of sisterly brothers and brothers of father and brother of mother with grandfather of father with a statement of the legal and legal position in their inheritance, and a review of the evidence of jurisprudence in their inheritance In comparison with the applicable Palestinian Shari 'a courts, the strongest proof is therefore weighted And more just, to provide examples of fraternity inheritance with grandparents, and to demonstrate ways of sharing between grandparents and sisterly siblings and father's siblings when they say so. He stated that justice requires the inheritance of brothers with grandparents without withholding them from the great harm done to siblings and siblings of a father in a matter of jurisprudence and to say this is contrary in the Palestinian sharia courts.
1- (إبراهيم مصطفى / أحمد الزيات / حامد عبد القادر / محمد النجار)، مجمع اللُّغة العربية بالقاهرة، المعجم الوسيط، دار النشر: دار الدعوة.
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15- ابن الجزي، القوانين الفقهية.
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