Preparing an Electronic Magazine to Develop Health Awareness among Early Childhood Children
The research aimed to prepare an electronic magazine to develop health awareness among early childhood children. To achieve this goal, two approaches were used: the descriptive approach to address the theoretical framework of the research and the experimental approach to design an electronic magazine and measure its effectiveness in developing health awareness for early childhood children. The research tools included: 1) Healthy habits skills list, 2) Illustrated health awareness test, 3) Observation card for practicing healthy behaviors of children,4) Electronic magazine evaluation card judging form. The research sample consisted of early childhood children which were (50) fifty boys and girls. They were divided into two groups, each of which had (25) twenty-five boys and girls, one of them experimental and the other control. The results of the study resulted in: 1) There are statistically significant differences between the average scores of the children of the experimental group and the control group in the post-measurement of the pictorial health awareness test for early childhood children in favor of the experimental group. 2) There are statistically significant differences between the average scores of the children of the experimental group in the two measurements: the pre and the post to test the pictorial health awareness of early childhood children in favor of post-measurement. 3) There are statistically significant differences between the average scores of the children of the experimental group and the control group in the post-application of the children’s behavior observation card indicating health awareness in favor of the experimental group. 4) The effectiveness of the electronic magazine in developing health awareness for children in early childhood.
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