The Perception of Regular Classroom Teachers Regarding the Conception of Differentiating Instruction for Teaching Gifted Students
The purpose of this study is to explore the perception of classroom teachers about the conception of differentiating instruction in teaching gifted students in the regular classrooms. The study utilized the descriptive method which included the recognition of teachers’ perception based on the questionnaire that involved the relevant principles of differentiation (i.e., students’ interest, assessment, lesson planning, content, process, and product). The study’s sample consisted of (180) primary school teachers (males and females) who teach the sixth grade students in the subjects of Arabic Language, Science, and Mathematics. Participants were nominated from a public school in the city of Jeddah. In general, the results indicated that there is a lack of knowledge among the participants about the conception of differentiating instruction, and there are no statistically significant differences among them regarding their specialties of teaching subjects, whereas there is statistically significant differences for the gender in favor of females.
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