Institutional Saudi Society roles and Initiatives to face Electronic Addiction in light of the data mining of Twitter Tweets during Corona Pandemic
The institutions of Saudi society have highly influential roles in confrontation Corona pandemic spread, which led to its spread Take several precautionary measures to counteract it among them were social distancing, isolation ,and assistant the increasing periods of Internet use among all segments of society - especially youth and adolescents - and thus the contributing factors increased in increasing the size of the problem of electronic addiction and its consequences for the individual and the Saudi society. and asking for Evaluating the reality of electronic addiction and its impact come and the roles of community institutions avoiding its negative consequences for the individual and society, through prospective analysis Twitter tweets since the start of the Corona pandemic. The search was targeted determining the relative rates of tweets related to the roles of community institutions in confronting the electronic addiction of youth and adolescents, and the initiatives and recommendations to confront them through data mining of Twitter tweets.
The results of the exploratory analysis showed that the relative rates of the roles of community institutions in confronting the electronic addiction of youth and adolescents were contained in (623) tweets, in which (547) male and female singers participated. And the highest rates of tweets were during the period from 04/20/2020 AD - 01/25/2020 AD. Recommendations and suggested initiatives were also received to confront the spread of electronic addiction among youth and adolescents and to limit its consequences on the individual and society in (618) tweets, in which (358) singers participated, the highest category of tweeters was between the ages of 25-34 years, as their number swallowed (182) interacting, and the highest tweet rates were during the period from 04/15/2020 AD- 01/30/2020 AD. The research concluded with several recommendations in the light of what its results showed.
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