Electronic Ejaculation, its Concept, its Dangers, and its Punishment in Islamic Jurisprudence and Law
(A Comparative legal jurisprudence study)
This study aims to explain the concept of electronic slander in Sharia and law. Islamic law divides slander into private and public. As for private, it is accusing the victim of adultery, or denying his lineage, explicitly or implicitly, by any electronic means, whether the slander is in writing or verbally. This is a punishable punishment crime, and the general includes all types of insults, slander, and slander, and its punishment is disciplinary, but the law did not differentiate between accusations of adultery and other types of slander, defamation, and reproach, and made the punishment for all of these types and forms the same amount, and the study showed the means that the perpetrators follow to carry out their crimes, By exploiting the global communications network (the Internet) and its various technologies and employing them in defamation, defaming people’s honor, defaming their reputations, and inflicting moral harm on them, I explained the dangers of electronic defamation in spreading strife, destabilizing security, and disrupting civil peace, and presented ways to prevent the danger of this crime, by strictly Its sin, and the severe threat against its propagators, and guiding people to verify the news and not promote it, and Islamic law stressed the slanderer in the means of proving the truthfulness of what he claims, and compared the jurisprudential and legal concepts, and presented the evidence for the prohibition and criminalization of slander in all its forms, forms and means, and the pillars and conditions that must be met in order to The offender shall be punished with the penalty of slander or defamation, and the penalties resulting from each type of slander and defamation. Islamic criminal legislation is distinguished from legal legislation by not requiring public slander. Rather, the offender’s slander of the victim in secret is considered a crime requiring punishment as in public slander. Islamic law preserves human dignity with one standard, and considers a person’s value not to change with changing circumstances and conditions. His value before himself is equal to his value before people. Islamic law also distinguishes between the crime of slander involving adultery, being the most serious, and between slander and defamation of something other than adultery, and this is what he did not do. the law.
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