Intolerance and its Relation to The Big Five Factors of Personality in a Sample of Graduate Students at King Abdulaziz University

  • Dr. Amira Abdul Rahman Al-Zein Associate Professor of Clinical Psychology, Department of Psychology, College of Arts and Human Sciences, King Abdulaziz University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
  • Dr. Huda Asim Khalifa Associate Professor of Mental Health, Department of Psychology, College of Arts and Human Sciences, King Abdulaziz University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Keywords: Intolerance, Big Five Factors of Personality, Graduate Students, King Abdulaziz University


The study aimed to reveal the relationship between fanaticism and the five big factors of personality among the study sample, and it included (200) male/female students from university colleges, to whom the intolerance scale prepared by Al-Kubaisi and Musa (2018), and the five big personality factors scale prepared by Costa and McCurry were applied to them. 1990) Arabization of Al-Ansari, (1997). The results of the study resulted in: a moderate level of fanaticism. The most common personality factor among the study sample is the extroversion factor with an average of (44.42 and a percentage of 74.03%), followed by kindness, then conscientiousness, then openness, and the least common is the neuroticism factor with an average of (33.58 and a percentage of 55.97%). The results also revealed a positive relationship. There is a statistically significant relationship between fanaticism and the five major personality factors (neuroticism) as it reached (0.690) in the study sample. There is also a statistically significant negative relationship between fanaticism and the five major personality factors in the study sample, as the correlation coefficient was high in the two dimensions (extraversion) with a value of -0.644. Kindness (its value - 0.549), followed by the (conscientiousness - 0.535) dimension, then the (openness - 0.522) dimension, and this indicates the existence of a negative relationship between intolerance and personality factors (extroversion - kindness - conscientiousness - openness). This indicates the possibility of predicting intolerance through the factors. The Big Five of Personality. The study came out with a set of recommendations, including: • The need to enhance the positive aspects of personality among male and female postgraduate students and pay attention to their ways of thinking. • Providing training courses and workshops for graduate students to help them get rid of negative personality traits that exacerbate intolerant behavior.


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How to Cite
Dr. Amira Abdul Rahman Al-Zein, & Dr. Huda Asim Khalifa. (2023). Intolerance and its Relation to The Big Five Factors of Personality in a Sample of Graduate Students at King Abdulaziz University. Journal of Arts, Literature, Humanities and Social Sciences, (96), 17-35.