Challenges facing the College of Education's female students in developing critical thinking skills at King Saud University

  • Amal bent Abdullah bin Rashid Alkulaib Assistant Professor of Foundations of Education, Department of Educational Policy, College of Education, King Saud University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Keywords: : Challenges, College of Education's female students, Critical thinking


This study aimed to examine the actual implementation of strategies used by faculty members to enhance critical thinking skills among female students in the College of Education at King Saud University, their perspectives, and the challenges they encounter. The study investigated viable solutions to these issues. The study also looked for statistically significant differences in participant answers by school year and academic specialization. The descriptive method was used, with the questionnaire as a primary data collector. All 1226 female undergraduates enrolled in the College of Education at King Saud University were included in the study population, and a total of 309 people from them were used to test the questionnaire. The study's main findings were that faculty members regularly use strategies to develop female students' critical thinking skills and that the College of Education's female students' critical thinking challenges have a significant impact.  The study also revealed that the most appropriate technique for eliminating these problems is the conviction that different points of view exist, which necessitates accepting these differences and attempting to identify conditions that promote it. It also revealed statistically significant differences in the responses of the study sample members at the significance level (0.05≥∝) attributed to the academic year variable for the benefit of the fourth-year students and to the academic specialization variable for the benefit of the Curriculum and Teaching Methods Department's female students. The study recommended that efforts be made to minimize the number of pupils in the classroom in order to maximize possibilities for critical thinking exercise, as well as teaching it to them.


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How to Cite
Amal bent Abdullah bin Rashid Alkulaib. (2023). Challenges facing the College of Education’s female students in developing critical thinking skills at King Saud University. Journal of Arts, Literature, Humanities and Social Sciences, (95), 372-399.