Difficulties encountered by Female undergraduate Students at King Saud University's College of Education

  • Ebtsam Abdul Kareem AL-Oudah Assistant Professor of Fundamentals of Education, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Keywords: Educational obstacles, Social obstacles, Female undergraduate students


This study aimed to examine the educational and social obstacles female undergraduate students at King Saud University's College of Education encountered. The study also showed the statistically significant differences in participants' views on these challenges by year of study and academic specialization. The descriptive approach and the questionnaire were used to collect data. The study sample included all 1226 female undergraduates at King Saud University College of Education. The questionnaire was applied to 397 female undergraduates. The most notable study findings are: Undergraduates at King Saud University College of Education see their educational and social obstacles as substantial. Primary educational challenges include long lectures that bore pupils and expensive course expenses for female students. The primary social challenges for female students are their lack of understanding of university authorities for addressing social concerns and their limited access to faculty comments on requirements. King Saud University College of Education female undergraduate students faced statistically significant differences in educational and social challenges at a level of (0.05≥∝). Due to academic year and specialization, these variances occurred. Students in their first year had less obstacles than those in later years. Additionally, Students in the Department of Special Education and Childhood had fewer obstacles than other academic specializations. The study proposes tailoring academic curriculum to female students' skills. It also stresses the necessity for training programs to equip female students for university life.


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How to Cite
Ebtsam Abdul Kareem AL-Oudah. (2023). Difficulties encountered by Female undergraduate Students at King Saud University’s College of Education. Journal of Arts, Literature, Humanities and Social Sciences, (95), 348-371. https://doi.org/10.33193/JALHSS.95.2023.902