Behavioral Intention towards using Flipped classrooms in entrepreneurship education among faculty members in professional master’s programs at King Abdulaziz University
This study aimed to investigate the factors influencing the behavioral intention towards using Flipped Classrooms with their digital technologies and classroom activities in Entrepreneurial Education among a sample of faculty members in professional master’s programs. Based on the factors included in the Unified Theory of Technology Acceptance (UTAUT), The model factors were Performance Expected, Effort Expected, Social Effects, Facilitating Conditions, Hedonic Motivation and Cost & Benefit. and their effects on behavioral intention and actual behavior of use. Considering the model, questionnaire items related to technology acceptance and control were constructed and applied to a sample of (102) faculty members at King Abdulaziz University who are studying in professional master’s programs. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) was used to test the model and study direct and indirect correlations. Direct, interactive, and identifying the quality of fit of the model. The results indicated that there were significant effects between the factors of acceptance of digital technologies in the virtual classroom environment and the behavioral intention to use them. The results also indicated that there were significant effects between the behavioral intention and the actual behavior of use. The results indicated that there were no interaction effects between these factors. Factors and variables of academic degree or type of specialization. The results also showed a high predictive ability of the model so that it can be used to explain the actual behavior of using digital technologies in a flipped classroom environment and the availability of a goodness-of-fit indicator for the model.
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