Pop Art and Their Reflection on Walls Design in the Interior Spaces
The artistic movements affected human life, and most of them were reflected in many areas of life, especially on design, whether it is interior or exterior design, fabrics, industrial or print, and among these artistic movements is the popular art (Pop Art) that appeared in the mid-fifties in Britain in parallel with its appearance in America, especially the crescent of the industrial and technological revolutions of the twentieth century that contributed to many changes, including in the methods of performance through simulation of different everyday things and tools and were linked to social reality and its advantages are the use of the most widely used and least aesthetic means, And that movement was based on who Sometimes different design anybody as long and mixed at other times to achieve the aesthetic and strange and surprising to users of space. And the current research aims to "reveal the concept of pop and its repercussions on the design of the walls in the interior spaces" through what it covered from the methodological framework of the research problem, which was determined by answering the following question (What is Pop Art) and what are its implications for the design of the walls In the interior spaces of the dwellings?) And its importance, goals, limits and defining terms and theoretical framework from the concept of folk art and the concept of interior space and its most important elements and folk art and wall design, in addition to the research procedures represented by the research and sample community and the research tool and analysis The sample and the findings of the researcher Repetition and diversity in shapes and colors are important strategies for reflection of folk art on the Also, the interior spaces designed in the style of Pop Art are compatible with the lifestyle of people who are full of movement, activity and vitality, as it is linked to the cultural, social and political aspect Economic.
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